
Name: Ann Orangi


  • PHD: Business Administration (Marketing option) Kirinyaga University
  • MASTERS: Fashion Design & marketing Kenyatta University (2014)
  • Clothing Textile &Interior Design (2007)

Research Interests



  1. Orangi ,A. (2016). Analysis of infrastructural support and trainer attributes in Technical and vocational education and training institutions offering clothing and textile course in Kenya.TVET Journal (1) 1. Kenya
  2. Orangi, A. & Wandaka, I.  (2015). Analysis of Trainer Attributes in TIVET Institutions in Kenya.4th International Conference Cotton, Textile and Apparel Value Chain in Africa. Ethiopian Institute of Textile.
  3. Kimemia, M. & Orangi A. (2018) Perception, Safety practice and factors affecting use of protective gears by students in selected technical institutions in central Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review (IJARR);3(4): 123-132
  4. Orangi, A & Kimemia M. (2018). Assessment of tutors’ qualification and training needs in technical vocational educational and training institutions offering textile technology courses. International Journal of Arts and Commerce ;3(4).