
Name: Mr. Vincent Kiprono Ng’eno


  • Ph.D Environmental and Biosystems Engineering, University of Nairobi, Ongoing
  • MSc. Environmental and Biosystems Engineering, University of Nairobi, 2017
  • BSc. Environmental and Biosystems Engineering, University of Nairobi, 2013

Research Interests

  • Soil, Irrigation and Water resources


  1. Vincent Ng’eno, Christian Omuto, Duncan Mbuge and Vitalis Too. Assessment of Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) on Plant Available Water (PAW) in Dry Lands. Scientific Research Journal, 2017. 16 pgs.
  2. Vincent Ng’eno, Christian Omuto and Duncan Mbuge. Assessment of the effects of Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) on Soil Water Retention Curve Characteristics (SWRC) coefficients of clay, sandy clay and sandy loam soils. 24th IEK Engineering International Conference, 2017. 10th – 12th May, 2017-Intercontinental Hotel, Nairobi. 14 pgs.
  3. Vincent Ng’eno. Overview of Super Absorbent Polymer in Agricultural Soils. PASAE Nairobi 2018. conference. 25th -27th –Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel, Nairobi. 14 pgs.

Ongoing Research

  1. Modelling potential of super absorbent polymer (SAP) in soil moisture retention at crop root zone in non-saline soils.
  • Topic/Title.: Ng’eno V.K (KYU), Dr. Chrostian O thine (UON-Department of Environmental Engineering), Dr. Duncan O Mbuge (UON- Department of Environmental Engineering).